Internship information

On this page you can find all the official documents regarding my graduation.

Internship documents  
Internship manual Click here to download the file.
Internship overview Click here to download the file.
Motivation letter De Waag Click here to download the file.
Internship plan Click here to download the file.
Internship timeline Click here to download the file.
Additional information new company Click here to download the file.
Internship contract* Click here to download the file.
Midterm reflection Click here to download the file.
Midterm assessment company Click here to download the file.
Final reflection + self assessment form Click here to download the file.
Final assessment company Click here to download the file.
Final presentation Click here to download the file.
Summary of the documentation page Click here to download the file.

*For my assessors: For the internship contract, please visit OnStage as I cannot add confidential information on a public website