Week 39
Written on May 31st , 2024 by Laura Weller
During the concept Check I uploaded the following documents:
A [presentation] (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1R8-Jkrto2_s0rOJLl6KUvcrfLyFg8POr/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117429730282650331398&rtpof=true&sd=true) A summary of my documentation
Feedback I received was:
- Research is good: Your research has always been extensive. Today, you received compliments for “bringing in the fashion” and how to tailor the communication towards your objective.
- Descision making is good: You have made the right decisions in terms of the fabric and colour when it comes to the garments you have made. There are still decisions to be made in terms of styling and how the garments will be presented in the end. Does the suit need a shirt? What shoes will be worn by the models? Ask yourself how you can keep your original intention with these pieces but elevate them through styling decisions. The choice to move your visual communication into a more fashion industry context was the right decision.
- Actualisation is good: Look at the renders you have produced and see how you can make the materials align better with the physical fabrics you have made - in terms of the translucency, roughness/shine and the vivid nature of the colour. This will seriously level up the quality of your digital work. Considering the technical drawings - these can be a lot better in terms of quality but it is good that you have taken the time to make these initial drafts. The line up looks good and is presented in your own style with and interesting drawing style.
- Presentation is satisfactory: Your verbal presentation today did not fully capture the essence of your project. It’s important to pinpoint the key aspects of your multi-layered project in order to effectively convey its value in just a few minutes. The Vogue-concept you presented is strong and effective. Also in print, it’s essential to consider that your audience can only process a limited amount of information at once. Therefore, also here it is crucial to clearly distinguish the main points from the supporting details.
- Reflection is satisfactory: The process is described and good to follow. You responded to feedback professionally.
- Organisation is good: With the remaining time lets see how we can elevate your technical drawings and 3D material visualisation. You have so far managed your time and process. Keep on top of the last remaining deliverables so that your work is all finished to the same high standard.
Summary for myself: I need to dive a bit more in the renders, make do some going back and forth to make the material even look more similar to the physical one (create the reflectiveness/shine in it as well I think). I need to talk to Charlotte about how to present everything in the end, but also how to make the Vogue even better. Last I need to have a talk with Niall on the technical drawings.
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