Week 34

During the concept Check I uploaded the following documents:

A [presentation] (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HOw1iUpmrOSYbyid221GYcHl7a391Fc4/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117429730282650331398&rtpof=true&sd=true) A summary of my documentation

Feedback I received was:

  • Research is satisfactory. We still need to give the audience the sugar we need to make them interested. Apart from that massive research into materials.
  • Decision making is sufficient. There has been a lot of work to develop very few toiles. Given the lack of experience with tailoring this has given you some problems to navigate. I would like to see more testing and experimentation when it comes to the fabrics you have developed and the finishing you need to use. Also start on the digital part. How will you be visualizing the looks you don’t make physically.
  • Presentation is satisfactory: Your collection has a message, you have a message, and it is a relevant one! If you are graduating from AMFI, it is recommended that you put more emphasis on the fashion-related aspects of your design development. When communicating your collection to others, remember that your audience is open to your concept but it should also be relevant to the world. Instead of warning, try to entice your audience with your message, that will double the impact (if not more).
  • Reflection is incomplete -> I need to ask them what this means, cause I have relfection all over the documentation, but not specified
  • Organisation is good: You have been very organised ahead of classes and present your work well. You have also spent an extensive amount of time producing your own fabrics, spend the same amount of time in developing your finishes and final construction details.

Summary for myself: I need to start experimenting more with the digital environments and the materials that I have developed. While doing that, the fashion aspect will become more clear. I think that I gonna be my focus of the upcoming weeks.