Written on June 15th, 2024 by Laura Weller
Welcome to my website. On this website you can find 5 subpages:
- Documentation shows the documentation of both my internship and graduation project
- Biomaterials shows the physical and digital recipes of all the fabrics and hardware that I made myself
- Garment designs shows the physical and digital designs that I have made
- Internship information shows all the important files related to my internship
- Graduation information shows all the important files related to my graduation
- About&Contact shows information about me
How is the documentation page set up?
I have divided the documentation up in weeks. Evey week has its own subpage. When scrolling over the documentation page, you scroll through the weeks. You can see which week I’m at at the left bottom of the colored images of the page. By clicking on one of the colored images (that say MAKE, RESEARCH or LEARN) you will be navigated to the correpsonding week, showing the process and insights of that week. The 3 colors that I have used are:
- Blue = researching the concept, the biomaterials, the digitalization of the materials, etc.
- Green = making the garments, the materials, the molds, etc.
- Orange = learning about the machines, the materials, etc.
Furthermore till week 20, at the right of the colored image you can see which internship SMART goal I am working on. And in the middle you can see what I sepcifically was working on that week.
Internship of Graduation specific documents
If you are looking for information specifically related to my internship, look here. If you are looking for information specifically related to my graduation, look here.
Planning project
Here is an overview of my planning for my internship & graduation project:
Summary documentation
Here is a summary of my documentation of my internship & graduation project:
Introduction letter project
Here is an introduction to my internship & graduation project: