Week 24
Written on February 16th, 2024 by Laura Weller
After talking with the teachers through the idea, my main feedback came from the fashion context of my project. Hence I worked on the background of fashion and protest. I looked up various examples of how fashion and protest become one. See those examples below.
I think the key of all of these examples is that fashion unites, but also sets apart. All these social groups - whatever they want to say or bring to the world - they show unity through fashion. By doing so, they set themselves apart from the dominant culture and unite them through clothing. This clothing influences high fashion, such as les gilet jaunes or the culottes, but it also originates within high fashion, such as Vivienne Westwood or Serpican Naro. My project also shows unity through fashion. the biomaterials, and they colorful esthetic, match to the identity of XR, but they also show unity of who belongs together during protesting and who doesn’t. That creation of unity is partly related to the identity that the wearer wants to have and this identity is fashion related.