Week 33
Written on April 13th, 2024 by Laura Weller
For the digital environments I have many different ideas. Depending on what is possible, I can make those ideas.
The ideas of the physical visualisation that I currently have are:
- Doing the photoshoot of the actual garments on the A12
- Doing the phtooshoot of the actual garments at the rebel base or de Sering
The ideas of the digital visualisation that I currently have are:
- Find a digital environment on google maps where protesting is forbidden and create a digital protest there
- Have an hdri of the A10 or A12 protests and set up the digital models in there
- Make a video of changing environments where humans change into skeletons and forests change into landfills with the message: don’t let them change this (or something similar). The garments can then melt during the video
idea 1
The first idea, took me on a google maps tour around the world to see if I could find images where you aren’t allowed to protest. I imagined places such as in front of the headquarters of big fashion companies or fossil fuel companies. However, these hdri’s are difficult to get your hands on and if you do get your hands on it, it is often not clear that the building on the back is the headquarters of lets say Shein.
Therefore I tried to find google maps images in time lapse that changed over time. The best examples you can find below.
However, these changes aren’t massive and I also don’t understand the reasoning of these changes. What I did find are google earth timelapses of environmental pollution and a beautiful image.
I thought, maybe I can use those in some sort of video clip, where I try to look further into morphing 2 environments, such as forest and landfill, desert and oil refinery, amazon and crop plantation, etc. The avatar then changes from human to skeleton. These images could be added to the timplapses on google maps.
Idea 2
This idea is using one hdri and using that picture as a framework in ai to generate other hdri’s. By doing so, I can show slow changed in the environment. Putting those images as morphes after one another, can create change. In this video I can then render the garments, while melting.
Some HDRI’s that I want to use as reference
Some ai experimentation that I have done with them are:
2 morphing videos that I have made so far:
Sources hdri:
Idea 3
Then at the same time I made an hdri of the A10 protest, so that is also something that I could use, maybe combine that with some real imagery of protesting with the garments on the A12. But that is still speculation and I need to think on how to give that shape. Below you can see some of the hdri ideas that I had: